Our land is looking more and more like a farm every day now. With the anticipation of this day now coming to fruition in a fully fenced pasture, we cannot keep from singing the praises of our Provider. We have been so pleased with the progress that has been made, and we are encouraged by the support that we have received.

As I look outside, I see part of the vision for which we have prayed for so long. This farm is a place of peace, even now. God’s creation is so beautiful, and we are thrilled to be working with part of His creation. I used to be one who enjoyed the rush and bustle of city centers. I always wanted to live in a place with lots of people and lots of noise. Funny how God knows what we really need way before we do, right? While my current situation is nothing like I would have anticipated, I praise God for knowing me so well. This farm is what I need. This farm is what connects me even closer and deeper to Him. This farm is what will meet the needs of so many people. Praise God for His omniscience!
I have recently been thinking of this plan that I had for my life. It is easy to fall into the, “Would this be different if...?” One of the biggest releases I have felt comes from the release of the, “What if’s.” While what I had planned for myself is much different than where I am now, I know that I cannot read the whole story of my life. I see the now and the past. Only God can read the whole story because He wrote it. What a release in that very sentence! Read it again. Only God can read the whole story because He wrote it.
I know this. You know this. We just get lost when doubts, concerns, and worries speak louder.
God reveals our next steps exactly when we need to take them because He knows the whole story. He wrote it, we’re living it. Sometimes it takes looking at an open pasture with singing birds and no distractions to hear from the Lord. I pray that you rest in these truths as I have this week.